Jerky Processor
Meats & Poultry [20+], Mechanical [30+], Retrofit Projects [400+]CEITM provided a broad spectrum of services to this meat jerky processor from engineering design to project management assistance in order to fully upgrade an existing processing line to a newer, more automated and efficient process. CEITM…
Extended Shelf Life Milk Filler
Dairy [200+], Mechanical [30+], Retrofit Projects [400+]CEI™ provided process and packaging engineering services for the design, procurement and installation of a new Extended Shelf Life Filler in an existing milk plant with a total project budget of ~ $3.5MM. This required detailed design work…
Brew House and Boiler Room
Ice, Drink & Beverage [70+], Mechanical [30+], Retrofit Projects [400+]CEITM provided process and utility engineering services for the analysis, design, and specification of equipment necessary to double the production capacity of a 30BBL brew house. This required an energy and mass balance of the production…
Dairy Pilot Plant
Dairy [200+], Greenfield Facilities [80+], Mechanical [30+], Refrigeration [70+]CEITM provided engineering services to aid in the development and installation of a major food processor’s pilot plant. This testing facility included a whey dryer, an HTST, NF/RO membrane systems, tanks, pumps, and other peripheral equipment…
White Wine Energy and Utilities
Energy [30+], Greenfield Facilities [80+], Ice, Drink & Beverage [70+], Mechanical [30+], Refrigeration [70+]CEI™ was requested to assist with process support utility engineering for a new white wine production facility in Oregon. The goal was to review, from an engineering basis, certain utility loads for the new white wine facility based on a…
Greenfield Brewery
Greenfield Facilities [80+], Ice, Drink & Beverage [70+], Mechanical [30+], Refrigeration [70+]CEITM provided process and utility engineering services for the analysis, design, and specification of equipment necessary for the installation of a New 92BBL Cast Out Brew House. This project required a full set of block flow/mass balance…
Stillhouse Expansion, Energy and Utilities
Brownfield Facilities [50+], Energy [30+], Ice, Drink & Beverage [70+], Mechanical [30+], Refrigeration [70+]
A Distillery decided to move their existing distillation operation to a new location in Portland, OR while also expanding capacity by adding a new whisky still and brewhouse system. CEITM was engaged by a design-build contractor to provide…
Vegetable Process Combined Heat & Power (CHP) / COGEN
Energy [30+], Fruit & Vegetables [400+], Mechanical [30+], Retrofit Projects [400+]CEITM provided engineering services for the design and installation of a Co-Gen Heat Recovery System from a Bio-gas digester. CEITM also developed the project plan and project schedule to meet project objectives of performance, within budget…